The Missionary Sisters and staff at Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado were delighted to welcome the pilgrims from the Junipero Serra Route as they make their way from California to the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July. Their visit was a respite from their journey with a tour of the Shrine, a hot meal, and time for prayer and reflection
Mother Cabrini Shrine Celebrates the Feast Day
On Friday, June 7, the Missionary Sisters in Colorado celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with Mass and a vow renewal at the Shrine. Staff, volunteers, and friends of the Shrine were in attendance, and the evening ended with a wonderful community potluck supper.
A Very Eventful “Cabrini Week” in Colorado
A Very Eventful “Cabrini Week” in Colorado
A week of celebrations at Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden began with the Feast Day of St. Frances X. Cabrini on Monday, November 13.
Gala Fundraiser
The following Friday, the Shrine’s 22nd annual gala fundraiser took place at the Pinnacle Club at the Grand Hyatt in Downtown Denver. The gala was not only a celebration of Mother Cabrini herself, but of the people who continue to support and make the Shrine what it is today. Over the last three years, friends and donors have come together to raise over $5.5 million for the Heart of Jesus Capital Campaign to expand and renovate the Shrine’s gift shop and chapel, and retreat facilities so that visitors can have the best experience possible for decades to come.
Please be sure to view these heartwarming gala videos. Don’t miss them! Please click here:
Chapel Re-Dedication
With joy and gratitude, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the staff of Mother Cabrini Shrine were delighted to celebrate the rededication of the chapel on Saturday, November 18 after ten months of renovations. Fr. John Lager, O.F.M., Cap., re-consecrated the chapel as a place of prayer where the sacraments and its mysteries are celebrated daily.
It was a powerful ceremony that included the anointing of the altar and walls as well as the incensation and lighting of the altar and the church. Sr. Diane Olmstead, MSC, Provincial and seven additional Missionary Sisters, Shrine staff, volunteers and donors participated in the dressing of the newly dedicated altar and the offertory procession. We are so grateful to everyone helped make this beautiful and sacred space possible.
To see the livestream video of the chapel re-dedication Mass, click here:
Spanish Mass of Thanksgiving
On Sunday, November 19, Denver Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Rodriguez celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving in the newly rededicated chapel at the regular Sunday 2 p.m. Spanish Mass. The bishop encouraged those in attendance to pray for their special intentions to Mother Cabrini especially at her Shrine. He also invited all of the children in attendance to the altar and then led them in a procession to the statue of Mother Cabrini to pray for all immigrants, especially children and families who are suffering. The Spanish community faithfully fills every seat in the new chapel each week, and this Mass of Thanksgiving was the perfect culmination to our Cabrini week in Colorado.
To see photos from all three celebrations, please click here:
October 2nd is Mother Cabrini Day in Colorado
Have you been to Mother Cabrini Shrine lately? Come and celebrate Cabrini Day with us! On Monday, October 2nd, we will have a special Cabrini Day Mass at 12 noon in our newly renovated chapel. This is a great opportunity to attend Mass, walk the steps, visit our gift shop, light a candle in the grotto chapel, and spend some time on the beautiful grounds that honor Mother Cabrini and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Mother Cabrini dedicated her life to helping the poor, the sick, immigrants, and those in most need. Her story is rich with determination and grit and an unshakable faith in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Cabrini Day is about her story, and we are eager for people to continue to learn of it and be inspired by her life and all that she accomplished.
In March of 2020, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed into law HB 1031 establishing Frances Xavier Cabrini Day as a Colorado State Holiday. It is the first paid holiday in the nation that recognizes a woman, and is observed on the first Monday in October.
Chapel Dedication
With great joy and gratitude, we will celebrate the rededication of our chapel following the remodeland renovations that have taken place over the last ten months.
The chapel will be rededicated on Saturday, November 18 at 4:00 p.m. Fr. John Lager, O.F.M. Cap. Has been granted a special mandate to perform the rededication since neither Archbishop Aquila or Bishop Rodriguez are available.
We look forward to a wonderful week of celebrations starting with the Feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on November 13, the Gala on November 17 and the chapel dedication on November 18th.
October 2nd is Mother Cabrini Day in Colorado
Have you been to Mother Cabrini Shrine lately? Come and celebrate Cabrini Day with us! On Monday, October 2nd, we will have a special Cabrini Day Mass at 12 noon in our newly renovated chapel. This is a great opportunity to attend Mass, walk the steps, visit our gift shop, light a candle in the grotto chapel, and spend some time on the beautiful grounds that honor Mother Cabrini and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Mother Cabrini dedicated her life to helping the poor, the sick, immigrants, and those in most need. Her story is rich with determination and grit and an unshakable faith in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Cabrini Day is about her story, and we are eager for people to continue to learn of it and be inspired by her life and all that she accomplished.
In March of 2020, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed into law HB 1031 establishing Frances Xavier Cabrini Day as a Colorado State Holiday. It is the first paid holiday in the nation that recognizes a woman, and is observed on the first Monday in October.
Chapel Dedication
With great joy and gratitude, we will celebrate the rededication of our chapel following the remodel and renovations that have taken place over the last ten months.
The chapel will be rededicated on Saturday, November 18 at 4:00 p.m. Fr. John Lager, O.F.M. Cap. Has been granted a special mandate to perform the rededication since neither Archbishop Aquila or Bishop Rodriguez are available.
We look forward to a wonderful week of celebrations starting with the Feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on November 13, the Gala on November 17 and the chapel dedication on November 18th.
Mother Cabrini Shrine Chapel Dedication
Mother Cabrini Shrine Gala
Mother Cabrini to be Inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame
~ by Denver Catholic Staff as seen on Mother Cabrini Shrine website
On March 15, 2023, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini will be inducted into the Colorado Women’s Hall of Fame in a formal induction ceremony and celebration at theSheraton Downtown Denver Hotel.
Mother Cabrini is receiving this prestigious award for her outstanding accomplishments as a champion of immigrants, children, and the poor. She was nominated by the Dante Alighieri Society of Denver, a non-profit organization which promotes the Italian language and culture.
Mother Cabrini has a special connection to Colorado, as she established the first Mount Carmel elementary school for the children of Italian immigrants in 1902. She was one of the leaders who raised funds to rebuild the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church building that is standing today, after the original structure was destroyed by fire. She also established an orphanage in 1904 and a summer camp for orphan girls in Golden in 1910 on the grounds of what is now the Mother Cabrini Shrine.
Tickets to the Gala are available at
MSCs on Mission – True Missionaries Faithful to God’s Call
After long-standing service at Cabrini Health, Australia and the National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Chicago, respectively, Sr. Sharon Casey, MSC and Sr. Bridget Zanin, MSC are now beginning new ministries.
Sr. Sharon Casey, MSC
The following are remarks that Sr. Sharon Casey, MSC shared with the Cabrini Health community:
Greetings during this Advent, Christmas and Hanukkah season!
I’d like to say thank you for your warm welcome to me in 2009 upon my arrival here at a medical facility across the earth! It definitely was a daunting experience. However, your excitement and demonstration of the Cabrinian values which I sensed immediately was heartening.
Your encouragement and support bolstered my determination to fulfil the mission God called me to do in Melbourne.
During these years, a message arose within me, saying, ‘remember who you are’. It was clear, stirring and helped me often to re-ground myself. This message made me pause amid the dizzying pace and consider my roots, beliefs, manner of being and interacting. It gave me the opportunity to remember those upon whose shoulders I stand.
This message was a gift from God. I often remind myself with the grace of God, of who I am, where I’ve come from, and the values that shaped me. These moments, made me conscious of the strong pull from society to become truly self-centered.
I encourage you to remember who you are as a member of the Cabrinian community whether you’ve been here for 30 years or three months. I encourage you to remember the commitment that you made to be faithful to our Ethic of Care when you came here.
When social media and society lure you into believing in acting in another way, I encourage you to go and spend some time by the sculpture that was designed and made over a number of years due to the COVID pandemic.
The sculpture VIGIL – The Heart of Cabrini is a memorial of thanks to the sisters who first came here, carrying the spirit of Mother Cabrini and each of you who have made Cabrini what it has become thus far.
When you need encouragement, consider going out and sitting by this sculpture, helping you remember who you are.
On behalf of all my Sisters of the Sacred Heart throughout the world and our lay collaborators and partners, I thank you for your efforts to work according to the Cabrinian values, Ethic of Care, and legacy.
Sr Sharon Casey, MSC – December 2022 To view a video of Sr. Sharon’s sharing her message:
Sr. Bridget Zanin, MSC
Bridget Zanin, MSC, joined the Cabrini University community on Tuesday, November 29. She has served as a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC) since 1962. As a teenager in Brazil, she was called on a spiritual path that led her from her home to the United States Midwest and eventually Radnor, PA. Get to know Sister Bridget through the Q&A below. Answers have been edited for clarity and brevity. ~ submitted by Matt Nestor, Cabrini University
What are your first impressions since arriving here at Cabrini University?
Sister Bridget: The campus is beautiful. I feel a little bit isolated because I’m so used to living in a city where you step out and can go anywhere and do anything. Here, you need a car.
Which city were you in before you arrived here?
SB: Chicago. I was the Director of the National Shrine of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in Chicago. I was at the Shrine for 10 years. And before that, I was in the city of Des Plaines [Illinois]. I was working as a chaplain at the Holy Family Hospital. And, before that I worked at Mercy Family Hospital in Chicago.
What kinds of service did you do there and elsewhere?
SB: My first profession was as a nurse. I worked as an ICU nurse in medical/surgical. It was kind of getting heavier and heavier, so I went in to chaplaincy so I could talk to patients and their families. Having the nursing background, being a chaplain I think was a blessing for me, because I could understand the patient’s diagnosis—what they were going through. I could talk to them not as a nurse, but as a chaplain.
You grew up in Brazil, correct?
SB: Yes, I was born in Brazil. My grandparents migrated from Venice, Italy to Brazil where they worked very hard to get themselves through a hard time. They moved there during the Second World War, when people were moving out to look for a better life. So, they struggled a lot. But, I see now their struggles were not in vain, because I see now my family are in good positions. I have a judge, two lawyers, and a doctor in the family.
How did you choose religious life?
SB: I always felt a call. I used to go and pray every day. I had two other friends and they wanted to go [to the convent]. Two months later, my dad rented a car and took us to the convent. I was only 15. Can you imagine? Then, we did our profession and took our vows. And, I was missioned to the United States.
Obviously, you are a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an order founded by Mother Cabrini. What does it mean to you to come here to Cabrini University, the only Cabrinian University in the world?
SB: I think it’s very special. And, the people who I have met so far, they’re so nice. I had a passion for the [Shrine] that I was at, and seeing that the people here have the same values and are part of the Cabrini family, has encouraged me to keep on giving and do whatever I can.
What attracted you to the MSCs?
SB: It was their simplicity and their faith. I like simplicity. I knew nothing about Mother Cabrini but they gave us books to read. And, the more I read, I saw she had this big devotion to the Sacred Heart. She kept saying the Sacred Heart is the fountain of all virtues.
What do you hope to accomplish here at Cabrini, and what do you hope to send students out in the world with?
SB: If I can make a difference in someone’s life, this life will go on to make a difference in the world. I feel that we all have a mission. Sometimes, people think they have to have a vocation to do the mission. No, you don’t. Life is an attitude. So, we can have a positive attitude—a faith attitude. I have my certificate in spiritual direction and I’m also a chaplain. And, I was a nurse. I am hoping to bring these skills to my present mission, everywhere I go and in everything that I do. I hope I can make a difference in campus life. To read the full interview with Sr. Bridget, please click here
Mother Cabrini Shrine Gala featuring: A Very Special Guest and a Movie Sneak Peek
The 21st Annual Mother Cabrini Shrine Gala was not only a celebration of Mother Cabrini herself, but of the people who continue to support and make the Shrine what it is today.
Over the last two years, friends and donors have come together to raise nearly $5 million for the Heart of Jesus Capital Campaign to expand and renovate the Shrine’s gift shop and chapel so that visitors can have the best experience possible for decades to come. The gala was a continuation of the campaign efforts as well as a celebration of gratitude.
In addition to the celebration of gratitude, the highlight of the gala was a sneak preview of the upcoming movie about the life of Mother Cabrini with producer, Eustace Wolfington. Guests were not only captivated by the powerful movie clips, but also by Mr. Wolfington himself as he shared his movie-making journey as well as his passionate devotion to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. To view Gala 2022 video please click here
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