The Missionary Sisters share their thoughts on finding your true vocation in life.
Be open to the Spirit’s lead and trust that God loves you so much and only wants the best for you.
Sr. Bernadette Anello, MSC
Be attentive to God’s voice as He speaks to your heart. Know your own gifts and talents and see what makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, MSC
Visit communities – ask yourself where you feel “at home” – where you feel you will be a better person and become the best person you can be? Ask about how they live community and how they understand the living of the vows.
Sr. Diane Olmstead, MSC
Don't be afraid to move into the silence … that space within yourself where God is waiting to speak with you.
Sr. Regina Peterson, MSC
Listen to the Lord with an open and generous heart. Pray to the Lord to show you the way. Be open to what the Lord is saying to you.
Sr. Ilaria Povero, MSC
Seek a good spiritual director who knows Ignatian discernment. Do you want to deepen your relationship with Jesus if so come join us. However, you need to be courageous and filled with zeal for the people of God.
Sr. Pietrina Raccuglia, MSC
Pray, to be open, to listen and to seek for the deepest desire of the heart…God dwells there!!!
Sr. Bridget Zanin, MSC