A new program, “Heart and Soul,” has been developed with the Pastoral Care Department at St. Cabrini Nursing Home and Cabrini Immigrant Services (CIS), Dobbs Ferry, NY. Heart and Soul was developed by Fr. Edwin Robinson, Director of Pastoral Care, Deborah Mosley, Trained Storyteller, Alex Riddick, Pastoral Care Associate and Lorraine Campanelli, Director of CIS.
The program is about bringing the goodness of God to others through scripture, song, storytelling, etc. We all know that when you do something from your heart, it touches the souls of others. The program started in February. Through the use of storytelling and song, we learned about the history behind certain songs. For example, the song, “It is Well With My Soul,” was written by Horatio Spafford. After suffering the loss of his daughters, he wrote this song about how he found Jesus despite all the sadness that he had experienced. Through storytelling, Deborah told the story of why Horatio wrote the words. Alex then led the group in singing the song. It was very moving and emotional.
In February, two of our Cabrini Kids and their Mom sang spiritual songs and played instruments. Truly they gave from their hearts and everyone’s souls were touched. The children played the trumpet and the piano, sang solos and sang with their Mom. The family, which is from Guatemala, sang the songs in Spanish. The words were translated into English. Many of the residents are mothers, fathers, retired teachers and principals so seeing the children, one who is in 4th grade and one in 5th grade, brought back so many happy memories. There were many tears of joy shared that day. The program ended with everyone singing, “This Little Light of Mine.” It was sung in English and Spanish. It was so joyful with all the voices singing as well as the different instruments being played. The children and many in the audience played the tambourine which added even more joy to the program.
Next month, we will be having Pastor William Mosley, his wife Deborah, along with the team from Cabrini sharing scripture, reflections and music.