Closing Mass at Cabrini University
On the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sr. Diane Olmstead, MSC, Provincial; Sr. Pietrina Raccuglia, MSC, Provincial Councilor; Sr. Catherine Garry, MSC, Trustee; Sr. Christine Marie Baltas, MSC, Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, President Emerita; and Sr. Roselle Santivasi, MSC, along with present and former members of the University’s Board of Trustees; Ms. Helen Drinan, Interim President; Fr. Carl Janicki, former University chaplain and University staff welcomed Fr. Peter Donahue, OSA, PhD, President of Villanova University to campus for the final Mass in the Bruckmann Chapel of St. Joseph on campus as Cabrini University. The University will transition to Villanova University as of July 1st.
Fr. Peter in his homily said that he and the Villanova University community would “cherish our (Cabrini) hearts and hold them sacred” – a timely and reassuring message to all those gathered on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.