In this Jubilee Year of Hope, we have invited the Missionary Sisters of the Guadalupe Province to reflect upon and share what gives them hope. In the weeks ahead we will be sharing their thoughts with you.
Sr. Bernadette Anello, MSC:

Throughout my life, there has always been a tendency to see how good people are. It helps me to deal with other negative realities and devastating news that abound in our neighborhoods, countries, and in our world. For example, acts of kindness and thoughtfulness on the part of family, community members, and strangers, underscore that we are all in this together. No one walks alone. I am also encouraged by witnessing the resiliency and courage of individuals who deal with life-threatening illness, setbacks and limitations that can seem daunting, but are viewed with faith as challenges that can lead to astounding outcomes. There are so many signs of Hope around us that remind me “to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God.” (Micah 6:8)

Sr. Bridget Zanin, MSC
What gives me hope is total dependence on God even when things seem impossible. People hope against hope and never give up in spite of the challenges they meet in life. Hope is believing beyond reality. Hope is the Resurrection of Christ. Hope is asking God to reach out to me when I don’t find the strength and conviction to reach out to God.
More reflections in next week’s edition…