On Friday, May 14, 2021, the Class of 2022 at Cabrini High School “stepped up” to become seniors at the annual Step Up-Day with a surprise second line* parade.
Each year Cabrini High School gathers to close the school year with the celebration of Step-Up Day, a long-treasured tradition at Cabrini where each class “steps up” to a different part of the gym and a different phase of life at Cabrini. They move up to the next grade level – pre-freshmen become freshmen, freshmen become sophomores, sopho

Cabrini Step-Up Day and Awards.r5.14.21rPhoto: Tyler Kaufman/©2021
mores become juniors, and the juniors become seniors. With their class sisters, each student steps up to the new challenges of their next year.
Grade level coordinators take turns declaring the following to each class: “By the power invested in me, by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mother Cabrini, the faculty and staff of Cabrini High School – provisional on passing all of your classes – I now pronounce you ____.” Then, each grade moves to their new designated section in the gym, with the juniors parading across the stage into the senior section when it is their turn.
When the Class of 2022 were declared seniors, they began their celebration across the stage when a surprise second line band, organized by the Student Council moderators, entered the gym to join the festivities. The class second lined around the gym, down the senior middle stairs for the first time, and out onto Moss Street where an even larger celebration was waiting for them.
The entire Cabrini High School student body and the Class of 2022’s parents were waiting to continue the celebration, along with a Mardi Gras Indian. The class paraded across the Magnolia Bridge, or as the Cabrini community calls it the Cabrini Bridge.
Cabrini High School President Jack Truxillo stated, “Step-Up Day is a great tradition at Cabrini, but this year the event was even more meaningful and exciting. It was as unique as the year that preceded it and such a great way to end the school year with us getting back to a sense of normalcy.”