The Feast of St. Cabrini is such a beautiful day especially for those of us who are part of the Cabrini Family. It is such a beautiful day to remember Mother Cabrini and all the work she did for God’s people. She is an example to all of us to strive to know God’s will and to do all that we can to achieve what God is calling us to do.
The Cabrini Lay Missionaries (CLMs) of the Guadalupe Province, had a very special celebration on the Feast Day. Patricia Krasnausky and Vicky Lucio renewed their recommitments as CLMs for 3 more years. To quote Mother Cabrini, “Today, love cannot be hidden; it must become active, living and true.” As CLMs, we are called to witness to the love of God. We are so grateful for Pat and Vicky. Truly, they bring the love of God to all those they meet.