Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Bringing Christ's love to the world
Sunday, December 3, 2023 from 3–7pm
RSVP today!
3–4:15pm, Holiday Crafts and Cookies, Grace Hall Atrium
Enjoy hot cocoa and cookies while creating Christmas and winter themed crafts—something for all ages.
3–4:15pm, Holiday Photos, Mansion
Formal, professional photos will be taken in front of the Christmas tree, and a selfie station will be set up.
4:15pm, Catholic Mass, Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of Saint Joseph
A celebration that brings together our Cabrini Community as we remember the birth of the Messiah.
5pm, Live Nativity, Commons
Watch as we revisit the birth of Jesus Christ, with actors, live animals, and a Christmas hymn sing-along.
Visit with the animals on the Commons before the Live Nativity, beginning at 4pm.
5:15–7pm, Holiday Dinner, Cav’s Corner (first floor of Founder’s Hall)
$12.50 adults; Children 6-12: $6; under 6: free
Pay at the door—cash and cards accepted. Students with meal plans will use regular meal swipe.