On Saturday, September 15,
Tigist Loja, Ayantu Bishaka, MSC candidates, and Sr. Lucy Panettieri, MSC, participated in an Intercultural Day titled “Roots and Wings” sponsored by the Brooklyn Diocese with Sr. Annmarie Seton LoPiccolo SC, Vicar for Religious.
Sixty religious sisters from many cultures and some [religious] brothers participated. It was held at Bishop Malloy Retreat House in Jamaica, Queens. It was a day of sharing our roots as a congregation showing that as congregations, we are all immigrants in this country. We had a very meaningful prayer service beginning the day and a closing ritual with music and dance. Each person received a butterfly to symbolize the Wings of God which carried us to the Diocese of New York. We were invited to exchange our butterfly with another person from another continent while sharing with that person: “where we were rooted and where the wings of God brought us”. It was really an enriching experience for all of us. ~ submitted by Tigist, Ayantu and Sr. Lucy, MSC