Cabrini Immigrant Services, Dobbs Ferry, hosted a workshop for immigrant parents, grandparents and caregivers entitled, “Preparing Children for School Success.” Donna-Marie A. Lasco, the owner of Terrific Twos©, along with her mother, Dr. Marie Amoruso, presented the very informative workshop. Many of the participants have children who attend our local schools and come to our Afterschool Homework Program.
The participants learned about the importance of having a routine for their children. Through the use of various materials, they saw how their children can learn and have fun. One example was teaching a child about measurement by using rice and a pail. The child learns that if the shovel is small, it will take more scoops to fill up the pail as opposed to a larger shovel.
Everyone was able to participate in several small group activities. One of the activities was to discuss the routine you have in the morning when your child wakes up. Each group wrote out their routines and then shared it with the larger group. Some people shared that they sing a song in the morning with their child as they brush their teeth, brush their hair, put on their pants, etc. Donna-Marie s hared the importance of consistency for the children as this helps them learn.
All the participants received a gift of the Spanish translation of Grandma Needs a Nap!, La Abuela Necesita un Descanso! written by Dr. Marie Amoruso. Everyone was so excited to receive the book and couldn’t wait to read it to their children.
Thank you to Donna-Marie and Marie. You brought so much joy to our parents. You empowered them in their important role as parents.