The Coronavirus has certainly changed our lives. The constant news of the number of people infected with COVID-19 and the number of deaths throughout the world, has been hard to hear Jeu
a time like this, we are called to count our blessings. One of the many blessings at St. Cabrini Nursing Home in Dobbs Ferry, NY, is that we have been able to have daily Mass. Fr. Thomas Vadakemuriyil, our chaplain, has celebrated the liturgy for our residents. Thanks to technology, our residents are able to view the Mass on their televisions. Despite the fact that our chapel is empty, the love of Jesus comes through.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say that this year, the services during Holy Week had a deeper meaning. The prayers, readings and songs during this time brought comfort and solace to all. During the Triduum, Susan Herceg and Lorraine Campanelli added music and song to the different services.
Patricia Krasnausky, CEO/President, spoke at the end of the Easter Mass to the residents and staff. She wished everyone a blessed Easter. Pat thanked the residents, their family and friends for their understanding during these difficult days. She thanked the staff who faithfully have come to work every day to care for the residents.
After the Easter Mass, Fr. Thomas went throughout the nursing home blessing each room and the residents. Roehl Ranoco, one of our maintenance workers, carried the newly lit Easter candle. Sr. Alfonsina Gomes, MSC, carried the holy water container as Father sprinkled holy water and gave Easter blessings to everyone. The residents and staff were so appreciative of the special blessing.
May the new light of Christ fill our hearts with peace and comfort. Jesus Christ is truly risen, Alleluia!