What a beautiful meeting we had on February 20th. The current Cabrini Lay Missionaries (CLMs) and Sr. Catherine Garry, MSC met several of the people who are interested in becoming CLMs.
Thanks to the gift of Zoom, we were able to connect from different areas. We had people from California, Colorado, Guatemala, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington State! We introduced ourselves to one another so that we can learn more about each other and the wonderful works that are being done in the name of St. Cabrini.
The meeting was in English and Spanish. Thank you to Adela Jarquin and Digna Merchan for helping with the translating. As we listened to each other and heard the beautiful works that everyone is involved in, you couldn’t help but see Mother Cabrini smiling down on all of us. Everyone is involved in a ‘helping ministry.’ In addition, many are enrolled in different scripture classes, etc. as well as reading and learning about being a CLM. We look forward to many more meetings where we can share our love of Jesus, the Sacred Heart and Mother Cabrini.
~ submitted by Lorraine Campanelli, Director of the CLMs