A medical team from Cabrini Health banded together to perform life-saving brain surgery on a single mother from Papua New Guinea.
Cabrini Malvern covered the operating and intensive care costs while a seven-member surgical team worked for free to remove a large brain tumor from 34-year-old Hare Haro.
Her fast recovery since her operation last month delighted surgeons and she has been given the all-clear to return home to her four children.
“It’s just awesome… I wish I could hug all of [the surgical team] and give them a big hug because…they saved my life,” said Ms. Haro.
Ms. Haro first became ill with migraine headaches and was originally diagnosed as having dengue fever and later, malaria. She became bedridden. When she began losing feeling on her left side, medical scans confirmed she had a brain tumor.
“I thought it was the end of my life. I thought what are my kids going to do without me. I am a single parent,” she said.
Upon learning of her situation, Cabrini Malvern agreed to step in and quickly assembled a medical team of willing volunteers to perform surgery.
“Cabrini Hospital is well known for its pro-bono work…it’s something that is a part of the hospital’s mission statement and I think that all of the staff, if they can help when the situation arises, they are happy to do so,” said Dr. Rogers.
To read the full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-06/png-woman-lifesaving-surgery-save-rapidly-growing-tumour/10204704