True to the Cabrini charism, Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC has “communicated God’s personal love in ways that touch hearts, inspire deeper relationships with God and foster the authentic human and spiritual development of herself and others” for thirty years at Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House in Sedalia, Colorado. We give heartfelt thanks for her loving and faithful service as a spiritual director and retreat leader to countless people longing to deepen their relationship with God.
Eileen first came to Sacred Heart in 1992 to make the Spiritual Exercises as a 30-day retreat. The following year, the Jesuits invited her back to help direct retreatants in the busy summer months, which she did through 2002. In January 2003, she moved to Colorado to work full-time at the Retreat House. Eileen has compassionately accompanied retreatants in individually directed retreats of varying lengths, including the full 30-day Spiritual Exercises. She has also led groups in weekend retreats and days of prayer at the Retreat House, in local parishes and for religious communities in Maine, Massachusetts, New York and Texas. She now heads to New York City to share her many gifts. ~submitted by and with thanks to Paula Sapienza, Sacred Heart Jesuit