Catholics on Call Conference

The Bernadine Center at Catholic Theological Union 5401 South Cornell Ave., Chicago, Illinois

s your calendar overflowing with appointments and events this summer? Work, weddings, family vacations, ballgames, business seems to never stop.

Maybe you need some time and space away from the pace of your everyday life, an alternative vacation. Time to learn how to discern and how to listen -- to yourself, and to God.

Every summer, Catholics on Call hosts a four-day program at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago. This experience is designed for women and men (ages 18 to 35) who may be thinking about a life of service in the Church as a lay minister, religious sister or brother, or priest, and those who are undecided and want guidance in determining how God is calling them.

Pray together, share your stories, dreams, and concerns, and enjoy the company of like-minded young adults.
Hear nationally-known speakers offer insights about how to listen to God’s call in our lives.
Meet outstanding church ministers who share the stories of their service and how they came to hear God’s call.
Learn discernment skills and different styles of prayer.

The summer program provides a relaxed, comfortable environment for your personal discernment. It won’t be an experience of recruitment to any church group or community. Rather, it is a chance to listen to the voice of God, as God speaks within you and through others.

Keep checking the website for more information about the 2019 Young Adult Conference.

Learn more about the 2019 conference and apply online!