Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Bringing Christ's love to the world
If you enjoyed our recent
webinar series on immigration,“Dreaming of a
Single Human Family”
we would like to invite you to
a follow-up conversation
via Zoom
Wednesday, April 28th
11:00 am EDT/10:00 am CDT/ 9:00 am MDT/ 8:00 am PDT
This will be an opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas with our distinguished presenters, Cabrini colleagues and friends about what you learned during the webinar series; to discuss immigration practices and policies and learn more about how you can get involved with immigrant causes and reform.
We hope that many of you who were with us for the webinars will join us for this informal time of dialogue as we share:
what were your ‘takeaways’ from the sessions?
what lingering questions about immigration do you have?
what do you think is necessary to bring about enduring and humane immigration reform?
what courses of action regarding immigration have you been inspired to undertake?
Cabrini Conversation – Webinar Reflection
Time: Apr 28, 2021 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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