The General Chapter of the Missionary Sisters draws to an end tomorrow in Rome. The Chapter has been in session since June 26th.
As of this week, the Missionary Sisters have named Sr. Maria Eliane Azevado da Silva, MSC from Brazil and the Santa Francisca Cabrini Province, as the General Superior. The Sisters are grateful to Sr. Maria Eliane for her willingness to serve the Church and the Missionary Sisters.
The Sisters expressed their gratitude to Sr. Barbara Staley, MSC, who has served the Institute as General Superior for the past eight years and wish many blessings upon her.
The General Council
Last week, the Chapter focused on composing mandates and recommendations for Mission, Formation, Vocation and Governance for Mission. Throughout the Chapter the Sisters are seeking common paths for our journey, striving for greater synodality and interconnection between us: MSCs, laity, and the beneficiaries of the Cabrinian mission in the world.
On the birthday of Mother Cabrini, July 15th, she was remembered at the Chapter with morning prayer, followed by a procession with candles, her statue, and a song dedicated to her into the Chapter Room.
Following the time of prayer, the Chapter Assembly focused on discussing and approving some of the Mandates, Recommendations and the Theological Reflection.
Later in the day, the Chapter delegates continued to celebrate Mother’s birth and at Mass they asked Mother Cabrini to intercede for all, especially during the Chapter.
On July 16th, 32 Sisters visited Orvieto, a small town in Umbria, one of the medieval cities of Italy, more than three thousand years old.
On Sunday, July 17th, the Sisters were in St. Peter’s Square to attend the prayer of the Angelus with Pope Francis, who extended a special greeting to us on the occasion of the General Chapter. Later in the day, the interviews for the oral history project continued. In the evening, the Sisters enjoyed the interview of former General Superior Sr. Maria Barbagallo, MSC. Each and every one of our Sisters’ personal witness is a great gift.
Please keep our new General Superior, the new General Councilors, all Chapter delegates, Sr. Barbara Staley, MSC, General Councilors Sr. Bernadette Anello, MSC and Sr. Maria Regina Canale, MSC in your prayers. May everyone be blessed with safe travel home.
The closing Mass of the General Chapter will be live-streamed on Friday at 5:00 p.m. Rome time. LINK: