It’s that time of year when the grills come out and the aroma of hamburgers and hotdogs cooking on the grill permeates the air. Cabrini Immigrant Services (CIS), Dobbs Ferry, NY wanted to celebrate the summer with some barbeques. On June 11th, our tutors and adult students came together to celebrate at St. Cabrini Nursing Home. Despite the prediction of heavy rain, the weather was perfect. As we sat on the patio, we enjoyed delicious foods, desserts and conversations. It was wonderful to be able to be together and enjoy some fun time.
One June 25th, our Cabrini Kids were enjoying a wonderful BBQ at the nursing home. The Kids, who love to visit the nursing home, were having a great time as they enjoyed some delicious food. The sounds of the Kid’s laughter brought smiles to the faces of the residents. After eating the hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, mac and cheese, watermelon, etc. etc., the Kids enjoyed playing different games. Once again, the fan favorite was Pantyhose Bowling however, they also played Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Twister, the hula hoop, different toss games and hopscotch. Nora Maher, one of our storytellers, shared another one of her talents, making balloon sculptures. The Kids loved to make the different animal shapes.
We ended the day with a variety of novelty ice cream bars. I know the children were exhausted after a full day of eating, playing and just being together. All the kids received a gold medal and a gift bag filled with items such as slime, bubble wands, a Rubik’s cube and a paddle ball.
A special thank you to Bonnie Burke, Vice President of Operations and Administrator of the nursing home for always welcoming us and making us feel right at home. A big thank you to Joseph Bisaccia, Director of Food Services and his staff for doing an amazing job for both BBQs.