On September 15, our training meeting in Codogno began, with the joy of fulfilling one of the great dreams of my life: Deepen the life, charism and spirituality of Saint Francisca Javier Cabrini in this sacred place of the Institute of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. Since our arrival, the warm welcome of the sisters, the details of the room and the different spaces of the house communicated to us the affection and delicacy with which Sr. Gilda Mendoza, Sr. Maria Regina Canale, Mother Maria Barbagallo and Sr. Lucy Panettieri had prepared This experience for us. So, in the joy of being in this place, from the encounter with the sisters I set out to enter into this history and spirituality that is my story and my spirituality a great gift that I have received as an inheritance.
The theme of these days has been: “Living the Spirituality of Saint Francisca Cabrini today”. From the first day, Mother María Barbagallo emphasized the anthropological importance of having a defined identity in each person since that depends on the continuity and permanence in her personal choice. Who I am? It is a question that must be answered in each person. We were invited to see the MSC as a great orchestra in which each member has an important role and mission, no matter how simple and imperceptible it may be. The sisters wanted to take us to deepen the charism of the Institute to confirm and value it in the vocation in each one.
During these three weeks we have contemplated wonderful historical events of the life of Saint Francisca Cabrini, his process of biological, psychic, intellectual and spiritual growths that integrated the Woman, saint, founder of our institute. His value system, his missionary ideal, his relationship with Jesus.
I have enjoyed watching Mother Cabrini with her gifts, virtues and weaknesses, changes of route, but it is even more beautiful to perceive how Mother Cabrini joined her dreams with other MSCs, formed them, prepared her, entrusted her and made the story of our institute, this story that makes humanity notice in its successes and failures, in its defects and sins. It is a story sustained by the spirituality of the heart of Jesus and made a mission in that same love of Christ to humanity.
Given the difficulty of describing the richness and joy of these days I can say that I have found what I was looking for: to deepen this story, this spirituality to discover some tools that can serve as a point of support for living with greater depth and coherence my consecration and identity Cabrinian Missionary. With certainty this time has been like a mirror in which I have found details in which I can feel proud but also details that I must retake, remove or begin to live.
Upon reaching the end of our process in Codogno I have in my mind and in my heart the pleasure of having walked through these corridors of the house, of having spoken with Mother Cabrini in the vicinity of her heart, in her room, of walking the streets who saw her grow up and the neighbors who greeted us with the love of their saint’s daughters. The happiness of having found the smile of the sisters’ joy, the sanctity in the gestures, words and advice of Mother Lina Colombini and Mother Maria Barbagallo, the loving revelations of Sr. Gilda to have us all soon and the brightness of Sister’s eyes Lucy Panettiery of watching us enjoy and learn. I thank the general council and our provinces for allowing us to enjoy this experience and trust that we can infect and affect the rest of the institute in the different countries to which we are going. Greetings to each sister who has been on the mission holding and managing situations so that we are here.
May the heart of Jesus and Mother Cabrini give us the wisdom and grace to discover the best way to continue giving glory to God in this historical moment of provincial chapters that prepare us for the General Chapter.
Sr. Sonnia Osorio MSC