“Francis of Assisi was a man of humility and because of this, God gave him the grace to communicate with animals,” said resident Father Michael Banks, OFM, Cap, during blessing of animals at Cabrini of Westchester. “There are many stories about St. Francis and his ability to convene with all sorts of animals including preaching to the birds who flocked around him to listen.”
Cabrini of Westchester is the home to several birds including parakeets that live in an aviary on the Short-Term Rehabilitation Unit, and cockatiels and a conure that live in a large aviary in the building’s main hallway. Since October 4th was the Feast of St. Francis and it is customary to bless all animals in his name, Fr. Ron Galt, Vice President of Pastoral Care and Mission, arranged to have the birds blessed by not only Fr. Banks, but also by resident, Fr. Bill Arlia, OFM Cap, on Monday, October 7th.
After sharing the story, “When Francis Met the Wolf of Gubbio,” where St. Francis tamed a wolf from terrorizing the people of Gubbio, Fr. Michael bestowed a blessing of the birds on the Short-Term Rehabilitation Unit. A special visitor named Oshi, a pet dog owned by one of the resident’s family members, was also blessed. The group then processed to the cockatiel and conure aviary where Fr. Arlia blessed them with holy water as well.