On Thursday, April 27th, 2017 we hosted our annual Volunteer Appreciation Service. Our theme for the event was “Making the World a Better Place” which is the recognized theme for National Volunteer Week.
- Volunteers are honored and thanked for their hours of service.
- Volunteer honoree Peggy Coffey
- Jean Cutrone and Sr. Adeodata Gatti, MSC
An inter-faith prayer service was held in the Chapel where we presented long term Volunteer Peggy Coffey with the first ever “Spirit Award” in recognition of her 20 years of volunteer service to Cabrini! Music and refreshments followed on the north patio on what turned out to be a beautiful day. The food was great, the music was entertaining and the company was the best! Each guest received a small gift box of a key chain with a colorful butterfly and the Cabrini logo as well as a card that expressed the gratitude we have for the service of each Volunteer.
We truly thank our Volunteers who should know that we could not accomplish the great work we do without their help!