From March 8 – 14, National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) is an annual celebration that began in 2014 to honor women religious with a series of events that instruct, enlighten, and bring greater focus on the lives of these incredible women. It’s a chance to recognize all that they do, with the hope that as more young women learn about women religious, more will choose to follow their example.
In celebration of NCSW, on Saturday, March 7th, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus joined with the Delaware Valley Member Area of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) in a day of service in Phoenixville, PA sorting and packaging socks at The Joy of Sox warehouse. The Joy of Sox, is a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides new socks for those experiencing homelessness. Sisters from seven religious congregations including Missionary Sisters Antonina Avitabile, Christine Marie Baltas, Amarech Herego LeFamo, and MSC candidate Evarlyne Ndeti, sorted a total of 22,730 pairs and packaged 260 bags of socks for later distribution to shelters in the greater Philadelphia, PA and Trenton, NJ region, and shipment to shelters throughout the United States. The work of sorting and packaging was made lighthearted with the sounds of oldies and Motown songs to which everyone joined in singing.