On February 5th, Cabrini College will observe the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking. This day was designated by Pope Francis and world interfaith leaders as a day to reflect on the experiences of those that have suffered through this affront to human dignity, and to comfort, strengthen, and help empower survivors.
We will observe February 5th with a series of events:
8:30 am: Mass – Bruckmann Memorial Chapel of Saint Joseph
Daily Mass will be celebrated in memory of St. Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint of human trafficking victims.
3:15 pm: “Human Trafficking: A Dawning Reality” – Grace Hall Atrium
Sister Terry Shields, Director of Dawn’s Place, (a nonprofit organization that proactively supports women negatively affected by commercial sexual exploitation) will speak about human trafficking in today’s world.
5:00 pm-6:30 pm: Immigration Simulation – Grace Hall Atrium
The CRS Ambassadors will present their Immigration Simulation, drawing attention to one of the push factors of human trafficking. Participants can stop in at any point to experience the simulation. Pizza will be served.
6:30 pm: Interfaith Prayer Service Against Human Trafficking – Grace Hall Atrium by the mural
Rev. Dr. Joseph Modica, Chaplain of Eastern University, will lead an interfaith prayer service with clergy of many different backgrounds. We’ll pray for change and push for action, as we join together.
During the week of February 2nd
Prayer Cards and Anti-Human Trafficking Buttons will be distributed on campus. Look for Cabrini Mission Corps Missioners, Campus Ministry staff, and Wolfington Center staff as they distribute them, or stop by Campus Ministry or the Wolfington Center to pick them up. Fliers for distribution can be picked up the Wolfington Center, if you’d like to help us promote the day.
These events are sponsored by Campus Ministry, the Wolfington Center, and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.