~ a reflection by Sr. Emperatriz Canales Espinoza, MSC
“All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
Therefore, go and make all nations my disciples.” Matt 28.18
The thing we want to share with the entire Cabriniana Family is that in Managua from January 6 to 16 of this new year 2023, 2 sisters with the young people (students, alumni and others) went to share with a rural community near the border with Honduras called: La Danta! It is a very small town of about 400 families.
They have their chapel which is where we stay camped. It does not surprise us because it is a worldwide phenomenon, the fact that almost all the young people of the place have migrated, mostly to the United States. The region looks emptier, with many children, the elderly, and the elderly who dedicate themselves to planting and the few cattle that only a few have.
We were impressed by the joy with which they received us, it is a region (village) that we had visited some 7 or 8 years ago. We thought that they did not remember us, but to our surprise, simple people do not forget those who felt that they were going through their place doing good.
The 10 days flew by and we have walked through hills and ravines, almost running out of shoes, with exhausted but happy throats; happy to see that the seeds sown there bears fruit just as Jesus asks.
We returned with new lessons learned, with new challenges and with renewed hopes, based on faith and sharing with these humble and super generous peasants. The poorest always give us a lesson in generosity and full trust in God’s Providence. With these renewed forces in the midst of the simplest of our people, we begin this new year of service in Nicaragua.
Always united in the Heart of Jesus,
your sister Emperatriz, MSC.